Flash fiction: Scars that We All CarryIt was dark outside the train window, and even if you could see, all you could be seeing was snow. Houses covered in snow, roads covered…Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020
Essential JavaScript: Mastering null vs undefinedMastering null and undefined in JavaScript is often underrated. Because null and undefined get coerced to boolean false, developers who…Sep 8, 20201Sep 8, 20201
An Unsung SongI misheard the unsung words of a song, By a singer who was never born, To parents who never made love, On a radio that never needed power…Apr 15, 20191Apr 15, 20191
Essential JavaScript: Mastering Immediately-invoked Function ExpressionsUnderstanding functions inside out and then learning how to exploit them to write modern, clean JavaScript code is a critical skill for…Aug 4, 201787Aug 4, 201787
Short Story: A Long, Long FlightI originally wrote this short story for a writing prompt on WritersDigest Forum. I am sharing it here with a few minor edits.Feb 16, 2017Feb 16, 2017
Serious JavaScript Fun: [1] + [1] - [1] = ?How JavaScript converts objects to primitives and how +/- operator works.Jan 8, 20172Jan 8, 20172
Learning JavaScript Closures through the Laws of KarmaUnderstanding closures and being able to use them as your second nature is an important first step towards becoming an expert JavaScript…Dec 8, 201614Dec 8, 201614
On India’s Poor Performance in Olympics and Hopes for the New Generation( I initially wrote this as a quick response to a post here. But the post was later deleted orphaning my response. So I decided to edit and…Aug 30, 2016Aug 30, 2016
The TL;DR of Why I Write?When anyone baffles me with a “Why do you write?”, I actually think it’s a more civilized way of asking “Are you crazy?”Aug 24, 20161Aug 24, 20161
Course Review: Starting to Write Your Novel by Curtis Brown CreativeSo you want to write a novel. Where do you start? Not all of us have the time and resources to torture ourselves through an MFA in Creative…Aug 12, 20161Aug 12, 20161
Love BoatI originally wrote this short story(flash fiction) for a writing prompt on WritersDigest Forum.Aug 12, 2016Aug 12, 2016
A Man in a Blue CarI wrote this short story for an assignment as part of an online creative writing course. The writing prompt given to us was: “Outside my…Aug 10, 2016Aug 10, 2016